sorry we are close(d) (2021)

a series of installations to be experienced from the street re-imagines a post-covid-19 afro futurity in the city exploring notions of consumption, closed art venues, and collective grief and healing.

Levitating at the intersection of pain and love melissandre use the current context of a never coming ‘post-Covid 19’ and an ever awaited Afro revolution as starting points. They assemble embodied transitions felt in their flesh, navigating Other’s ways to be in the public space, to (r)evolve as Black/queer, and to process exile (forced and voluntarily) in time of global pandemic. Questions of solidarity, afro-futurity, racial capitalism, aesthetics and archiving intersect.

solo show at Arcadia Gallery, Coventry Artspace. Funded and supported by Coventry Artspace and Coventry Biennial.

List of work presented:

offering to new ancestors, 2021

books by Black authors, canned food

ruins of heteronormativity, 2021

background by Eole (2yo)

recycled fruit container, black marker, black paint, black tape, 2 instax images

post-Covid’, 2021

shopping cart, Black synthetic hair, recycling, houseplant, found objects in the streets of Foleshill, shopping bag, queer used paint tools, mattress, pink hoola hoops, bin bag, digital cam corder

moving images, 2021

fan, black and pink synthetic hair, coloured beads, family photo, hair rings, foam


a rendition of stifled ghost-spells

