PAPAYA (2019-2023)

Transmuting physical, disciplinary, and ideological boundaries PAPAYA mixed dance, text, sound, installation, textile, and performance art.

PAPAYA's soundtrack (2023)

collaborators: Laure Rousset Constans; Estelle Depris; Jihan Imago et Antonia Ganeto; Meriem Abaied; Helder Da Graca; Sym Mendez & Samiir Saunders; Dwain Daley; Nyasha Daley; charl vinz; Japhet Dinganga & Lina Damoah; Leave It To Esmie restaurant; John Tiernan; Russells Garden Centre; Andrew Fletcher

Spiritual Care Coordinator: Sym MendezWell-being specialist : Karen Dhlamini; BSL interpreters: Deborah McLeod & Lorrain Gregory from BSL Interpreters of Colour Network; Chorégraphie et oeil extérieur : Georges Maikel Pires Monteiro; Création lumières : Nina Schaeffer; Scénographie & documentation : Shade Cumini; Chargée de production : Léa Wiplier - BEAST Production; Production : FINKAPE asbl ; Coproduction : Centre Culturel KULTURFABRIK; Partners: TROIS C-L - Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois; photographers: Black Magic Tea, Ayesha Jones, Shade Cumini

Jennifer Lopes Santos, dancer, and costume designer (LU); Eric G. Foy, musician and composer (BE); and myself, performance artist, writer, and curator led PAPAYA which was an Afro-feminist and activist initiative.

We made performances, workshops, and imagined gatherings investigating Black liberation, intimacy, and tenderness. Across borders the collective asked: how to create, nurture, and share conditions for (self)love beyond anti-Blackness? Through live performances we attempted to raise questions from our respective autobiographical standpoints.

funding: Ministère de la Culture (LU), Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (LU), SACEM Luxembourg (LU), FrEsch 2022 (LU), TROIS C-L - Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois (LU), Warwick Arts Centre (UK), Coventry Biennial (UK), Coventry UK City of Culture Trust (UK)


de la boue et des racines


Who's gonna clean the mess of/in your garden?